Be Your Own Hero

2912797222_92fc566f0b_qWe love our superheros. Comic books and movie scripts are filled with them. We endow our heroes with great powers, while believing these powers are somehow out of our own reach.In a recent article in Smithsonian Magazine, author Robin Rosenberg offers, "As a clinical psychologist who has written books about the psychology of superheroes, I think origin stories show us not how to become super but how to be heroes, choosing altruism over the pursuit of wealth and power." Rosenberg suggests that perhaps the best super power of all is empathy. I'd like to take it a few steps farther.

Perhaps it's time to be your own hero.

"In his study of the "myth of the hero," Joseph Campbell asserted that there is a single pattern of heroic journey and that all cultures share this essential pattern in their various heroic myths. In his book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces he outlined the basic conditions, stages, and results of the archetypal hero's journey." (excerpt from the author page on Amazon)Campbell saw the Hero's Journey as a journey to becoming our authentic selves.The hero’s journey is often described in literature and film, from Odysseus in the Iliad to Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, Siddhartha, Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars trilogy, and Frodo in The Lord of the Rings.(I explore this and describe the steps in my book InsideOut Enneagram: The Game-Changing Guide for Leaders)As I came to discover on my own journey, The Enneagram is an invaluable map for our self-exploration. Many people arrive at the Enneagram, discover their Type and then take it no further. They have found a system that accurately describes their habitual behaviors and worldviews and a way to better understand their families, colleagues, friends.Others take it further. They want to develop a broader range of strategies to relate to themselves and others; they want to play to their strengths and to stop repeating the same mistakes; to lessen the hold of compulsions and patterns.But there is more.symbolw-words copyNotice, the Enneagram symbol exists within a circle. All Types are subtly distinct from one another and are aspects of a whole, like facets of a sparkling diamond. The Enneagram can provide a map for the process of individuation as described by Carl Jung and depicted by the Hero's Journey, to integrate all of the nine Enneagram Types within us.We don't need to look to others to fulfill our need for heroes. What if each of us were brave enough to take off our defensive armor and go exploring like the hero of myth and story.

The hero lies within.

As for those in leadership positions, we know that what gets us there isn't necessarily what we need to excel at leading others.  What is essential for effective leadership is how we show up. We have an opportunity and I suggest, a responsibility to take on our personal development; to bring unconscious habits and patterns to the light of day, drop what no longer serves us, try on new ways of being and responding and act from our authentic selves.Joseph Campbell wrote:

The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.

The big question is, will you say "yes" to your adventure?"


You are NOT Your Role


The Bamboo Leader